A texas coffee news logo with a cartoon man holding a cup of coffee

For Advertising Rates and Payment Options download our Ad Insertion Order HERE.


Submit your information in the form below and we'll be in touch within 24 hours, or for immediate answers call Coco at (832) 656-8501:

* Limited availability. Offers available while supplies last. One-time $50 set-up charge on all new accounts. Includes initial ad design. Future text changes in ads are FREE. Minimal charge for graphic revisions.

Deadlines are 5PM every Friday to be in the following week's editions. Rates on Insertion Order are per 3" wide X 2" high ad. 

Ad Specifications: Our Graphic Artist, Kathleen, will create a Spec Ad for your review - just let us know your ideas! OR you can email your Camera-ready ads to Coco@TexasCoffeeNews.com in PNG, PDF or JPEG formats, minimum 300dpi, please.

Why Advertise in Texas Coffee News®?

Here are a few great reasons to advertise in Texas Coffee News®:

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A logo that says


Coffee News® guarantees exclusivity by business category for all our advertisers - only two industry specific businesses per edition (one on front and one on back). Advertise in Coffee News® to lock out your competition!


Ads run for at least thirteen consecutive weeks… at a rate lower than spot advertising with other print media. Even small businesses can afford to advertise regularly. Reach, repetition and frequency bring results!


Coffee News® can be the perfect addition to your advertising media mix. We offer Bi-Annual and Annual Campaigns to keep your business in front of your potential customers every day.


Your ad runs correctly… or your ad runs free!


If you want to target your local neighborhood market (as well as the tourists who visit), there’s no better way. It’s all about precision.


Yes, it does matter. All ads are either 3″ x 2″ (single-space) or 3" X 4" (double-spaced) so no gigantic ad can crowd you out. We’re an equal opportunity publication! AD PLACEMENT: Ads are also rotated weekly, on-line and in the printed edition, to make sure all advertisers get equal exposure.


When potential Coffee News® customers see your ad, they are already in a positive frame of mind from reading the good news, putting your business in a positive, friendly and welcoming light. Everybody loves Coffee News®!


Your ad in Coffee News® will be viewed by 1,000’s of targeted readers every week. It is equivalent to passing out 1,000’s of your business cards weekly, building top of mind awareness.

Unlike many multi-paged publications, Coffee News® is a single page with ads running on the front or back page. Your ad will always be on the Front Page or Back Page and never buried somewhere on an inside page, which greatly increases the probability of your ad being seen.

Advertise in Texas Coffee News®!

Start advertising in Texas Coffee News® today.

A piece of paper that says coffee news on it

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